25th February, 2021
Coronavirus (Covid-19) Company Statement
During these unprecedented times, it is our intention to support our customers by providing services to allow them to operate safely and meet applicable Standards/Regulations.
As the safety of our staff and customers is paramount, all work must be carried out in a safe ‘Covid-19 secure’ working environment to reduce the risk of infection spreading.
Health and Safety
We have implemented additional health and safety measures to protect and promote the health and well-being of all employees and third parties who may be affected by our actions. This includes;
- Compiling PFC Marine Covid-19 Risk Assessment and PFC Marine Covid-19 Company Policy
- Providing additional PPE and cleaning materials to all staff
- Regularly briefing employees on current government guidelines
- Routine testing of staff with lateral flow rapid tests
- Ensuring indoor spaces are well ventilated
- Daily cleaning of Head Office and Company vehicles
- Requiring visitors to complete a Covid-19 declaration
- Holding remote meetings where possible
Signs and symptoms of COVID-19
The following symptoms may develop in the 10 days after exposure to someone who has COVID-19:
- A new continuous cough
- Change in taste and/or smell
- High Temperature
Safety Precautions
Following the guidance from Public Health England, Peterlee Fire Company requests that all staff take the following precautions:
- MAKE SPACE: ensure that social distancing is observed at 2 metres or more
- WASH HANDS: follow strict hygiene measures, ensuring that hands are washed and hand sanitiser is used frequently.
- COVER FACE: all staff to wear a face covering/mask whilst working indoors (this includes customer premises and PFC Marine Offices)
- ISOLATE: if symptoms develop, or there has been close contact with someone who has symptoms/confirmed case of Covid-19, self-isolate immediately and follow government guidelines
Visiting Customer Premises
The safety of both our staff and customers is paramount, therefore we will be working with our customers to ensure that Government COVID-19 guidelines are being observed at their premises during our visit.
In view of the rapid developments surrounding Covid-19 we will be continually reviewing and updating company policies, practices, and procedures according to the most recent Government Guidelines (https://www.gov.uk/coronavirus).
If you require any further information please email nchapman@pfcmarine.co.uk
Natalie Chapman
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25th February, 2021